How to Make a Square Excel Calculation and All Its Formulas & Functions
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In this tutorial, we will discuss completely how to make a square excel calculation on a number. All formulas/functions we can use to calculate square in excel will also be explained here.
One calculation we often do when processing numbers is square/the power of two. If we often use excel as a tool to process our numbers, then understanding the way to square there becomes important.
Generally, the method to write a square formula in excel can be divided into three. They are the manual writing with the ^ symbol, manual writing with the * symbol, and the POWER formula. We will talk in the next parts about the general writing form for each, example, and their writing steps in detail.
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Table of Contents:
How to Write a Square Excel Calculation With the ^ Symbol
Now, we will discuss the first method to do a square excel calculation, which is by using the ^ symbol.The caret symbol (^) is a power calculation symbol in excel formula writing. Because the square is the same as the power of 2, we can use it to get a square calculation result.
Generally, here is the writing to calculate a square in excel with the ^ symbol.
=number ^ 2
The number there is the number you want to square/power by 2 in excel. The number input in the formula can be typed or inputted through the media of a cell coordinate.
We use ^ in the writing as a power symbol and 2 as the power factor. We use 2 there because what we look for is the square or the power of 2 from our number.
Write that writing form correctly in your cell and enter. You will immediately get the square result of your number!
To make it clearer about the writing, see its implementation example in excel below.

You can see the writing example in the screenshot’s formula bar. We get the square of all the numbers on the left using that form of writing.
To make you understand further about this method to write a square formula, we will give the detailed writing steps here. We will explain each step with the help of a screenshot to make you understand it easier.
Type an equal sign ( = ) in the cell where you want to put the square result of your number
Input the number to be squared or the cell coordinate where it is after =. Type a caret symbol ( ^ ) after that
Type 2
- Press Enter
The process is done!
How to Write a Square Excel Calculation With the * Symbol
There is another method for us to write a square calculation formula in excel. That method is using the help of the * symbol.As we know, the power calculation is the same as multiplying a number with the number itself. Because of that, we can multiply our number with its own value to get its square result in excel.
The symbol that represents multiplication in excel is the star symbol or *. Therefore, we can square our number by using the * symbol in the writing that we do.
Generally, here is the writing form of a square formula in excel with the * symbol.
=number * number
The number there is the number we want to square in our data processing.
To make it clearer about this square formula writing with the * symbol, here is its implementation example in excel.

As we can see in the screenshot’s formula bar, the writing in the example uses the form explained earlier. Write the multiplication formula correctly and you can get the square result of your number easily!
To add your understanding about this method’s application, here is the step-by-step of its writing in detail.
Type an equal sign ( = ) in the cell where you want to put the square result of your number
Input the number to be squared or the cell coordinate where it is after =. Type a star symbol ( * ) after that
Input the number or the cell coordinate again
- Press Enter
The process is done!
How to Make a Square Excel Calculation With the POWER Formula
What if we want to use a built-in formula available in excel to square our number? This can be done by using the POWER formula.POWER is made by excel to calculate the power of a number in our worksheet. The inputs it needs are the number we want to power and the power factor. By inputting 2 in its power factor input, we can get the square result of our number using this formula.
Generally, here is the writing form of POWER so we can get our square calculation result from it.
=POWER(number, 2)
Don’t forget to input 2 in the power factor input part so you can get the correct result.
The implementation example of the writing in excel is as follows.

As you can see, POWER can be used to do your number’s square calculation. Give your inputs correctly and you can get your result fast!
To add to your understanding of this method, here are the writing steps.
Type an equal sign ( = ) in the cell where you want to put the result in
Type POWER (can be with large and small letters) and an open bracket sign after =
Input the number to be squared or the cell coordinate where it is after the open bracket sign. Then type a comma sign ( , )
Type 2
Type a close bracket sign
- Press Enter
The process is done!
After learning the methods to write a square formula in excel, now let’s do an exercise. This is so you can deepen your understanding of those methods.Download the following exercise file and answer all the questions. Download the answer key file if you have finished the exercise and want to check your answers. Or probably when you are confused about how to answer the questions.
Link to the exercise file:
Download here
- What is the final score of each person? Use the ^ symbol method to find the answer!
- What is the final score of each person? Use the * symbol method to find the answer!
- What is the final score of each person? Use the POWER formula method to find the answer!
Link to the answer key file:
Download here
Additional Note
To do the power calculation with other factors besides 2, you can learn it by visiting this Compute Expert tutorial.Related tutorials you should learn: